
Arithmetic Circuits

Arithmetic Circuits

Zk circuits form a set of constraints that if satisfied, prove a computation was carried out correctly. Zk circuits are sometimes called arithmetic circuits because the “gates” in the circuit are addition and multiplication over a finite field. We are only allowed to use these two operators as a finite field only has these two operations.

prove a inverse

field_size = 29 # some prime number

## Prover
def compute_inverse(a):
    return pow(a, -1, field_size)

a = 22
b = compute_inverse(a)

## Verifier
assert (a * b) % field_size == 1

Proving a binary transformation

constrain 1

b1 * (1 - b1) == 0
b2 * (1 - b2) == 0
b3 * (1 - b3) == 0
b4 * (1 - b4) == 0

constrain 2

(8 * b1) + (4 * b2) + (2 * b3) + (1 * b4) == GIVEN_VALUE

Proving a > b

Due to something like overflow or underflow in finite field, we could not simply check a - b or b -a to prove it.

but it could easily be done in curcuits since we could convert it into a comparison at the bit level.

Expand it:

  1. Proving x is the maximum element in a list of elements: we could use it to check a list was properly sorted.

  2. Proving a list contains no duplicates: we can ask the prover to sort the list (called auxiliary computations), verify it is sorted using the methodology from earlier, then check each element of the array to see if the entry next to it is equal.

hash functions

If each step in the hash function can be proven to have been executed correctly, then the entire hash function can be proven to have been executed correctly, without executing the hash function.

Proving each step of something like sha256 as a circuit is extremely non-trivial: it requires tens of thousands of constraints to prove every stage of this hash function.